About Us

Pacer through the Years

Pacer Pumps is committed to providing superior quality products and services to our customers and improving their productivity and profitability. Our careful attention to detail from initial inquiry through shipment of the product ensures that customers enjoy their experience working with us. In our quest to exceed the needs of our customers, we are always seeking feedback from the end users, as well as dealers, distribution networks, and sales representatives. This is why Pacer Pumps is the industry leader!

Pacer Pumps has been based in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, for over 50 years. A true model of the American Dream, from operating out of a small garage we have grown into a modern manufacturing facility. Our dedicated team is focused on delivering the quality and service that our domestic and international customers have come to expect. When you call, our goal is to give you exceptional and personalized customer service, every time. We maintain a large inventory of stocked pumps and spare parts so our turn-around is second to none.

About Us - Image of 1947 to 2024 pacer pumps - centrifugal pumps manufacturers

Company History


Al Marlow formed Orly Manufacturing in 1974 out of Midland Park, New Jersey. Al was very familiar with his father's firm, Marlow Pumps, and Al's own company Midland Pumps. Both of these companies were well-known for their metal self-priming centrifugal pumps in the construction industry. Al did most of the design work for both companies. Although Al had retired in the early 1970s, he had the idea to make a lightweight self-priming centrifugal pump out of plastic. This was a tough sell as many thought it would never work. Al Marlow never gave up and founded Orly Manufacturing as a joint venture with an export company, IIDC. Orly Manufacturing began to establish relationships with national OEMs but soon the Pacer Pumps brand was created to penetrate deeper into the marketplace. While plastic pumps are suited for relatively clean liquids, they are not suited for sand or rock slurries which contractors usually pump. A few pumps had been sold to farmers and things started to change.

The self-priming plastic pump was perfect for agriculture applications where the key product criteria would be lightweight, corrosion resistance, ease of maintenance, and affordability. Business grew quickly and the Pacer Pump brand gained worldwide acceptance in the agriculture industry. Those who said it could not be done now realized that it could and copycat pumps started to appear on the market. The line of plastic pumps was extended by Orly Manufacturing to include end suction centrifugal pumps, hand pumps, couplings and other self-priming centrifugal pumps. In addition, Orly offered multiple drive options such as gasoline and diesel engines, electric, hydraulic and pneumatic motors. With the extensive product line and expansion into multiple markets, injection molding became a concern. Orly was experiencing major variation in injection-molded components made at various custom molders. The solution was to become vertically integrated and thus Polymar was formed to deliver in-house injection molding capability.


  • 1974

    Al Marlow incorporates Orly Manufacturing in a 50/50 Joint Venture with IIDC, Pacer Pumps brand established

  • 1978

    Pompes Guinard, a French pump company, purchases all of IIDC's stock and also a portion of Al Marlow's

  • 1979

    Name changed from Orly Manufacturing to ASM Industries, Inc. (Alfred S. Marlow)

  • 1982

    Pompes Guinard purchases all remaining shares which gives French company 100% ownership

  • 1982

    Service Filtration Corporation (SERFILCO) based out of Northbrook, Illinois, acquires ASM Industries

Service Filtration Corporation - pacer pumps


Worldwide Pump and Filtration Industry Leader for Over 50 years

It has been said that the success of any business comes from finding a need and fulfilling it. In 1961, our founder, Jack Berg, achieved just that. While selling filters to platers as a manufacturers’ representative, he recognized the need in the surface finishing industry for better filtration processes to enhance plating quality, reduce chemical consumption, and minimize rejects. Armed with only his experience and his entrepreneurial spirit, he took a chance and opened a small storefront shop selling pumps, filter chambers and filter cartridges.

From those humble beginnings, Service Filtration Corporation has grown into a multi-national manufacturer offering a comprehensive range of products and systems that fulfil the needs of various industries worldwide. With facilities in North America as well as operations overseas, along with our global network of sales representatives, we are strategically positioned to develop and deliver the quality products our customers expect.


Service Filtration Corporation
Operating Divisions


Baron Blakeslee is the original American solvent vapor degreaser company. Baron Blakeslee is one of the world's leading manufacturers of standard & custom, precision cleaning equipment. Baron Blakeslee products include Baron Blakeslee Serec Airless Vacuum Vapor Degreasing Systems, Solvent Vapor Degreasing Systems, Solvent Recovery Distillation Systems, as well as Aqueous & Semi-Aqueous Cleaning Systems.

All Baron Blakeslee equipment is designed, engineered, and manufactured in our modern facility in Williamstown, WV USA. We specialize in custom design & engineering as well as material handling solutions. Baron Blakeslee offers a total, personalized service approach to our customers, including application evaluation, testing, technical service, contract maintenance, replacement parts, training, and installation. Baron Blakeslee customers are from the Aerospace, Automotive, Defense, Electronics, Metal Finishing, Medical, Optics industries, and others that require critical cleaning. Since 1920, Baron Blakeslee remains the industrial cleaning experts, and continue to provide equipment that defines the standard of comparison in our industry.


For 75 years, R.P. Adams has provided Industrial Filtration equipment, Automatic Water Strainers, Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers, Aftercoolers, and Cyclone Separators to meet our customer’s needs. Headquarters for R.P. Adams product sales, engineering, and manufacturing are in Buffalo, NY. We also offer responsive sales and technical support through a worldwide network of experienced factory-trained Engineers. From applications know-how, fast quotation preparation, technical assistance, and spare parts availability, R.P. Adams and our representatives are your dedicated resource for solving heat transfer and liquid filter process requirements.

Polymar has been providing custom thermoplastic injection molding services since 1979. We specialize in PET and PBTpolyester and custom color polycarbonates. Polymar employs state-of-the-art molding equipment, operated by a staff of experienced engineers and technicians. Our customers include firms in the following industries: automotive, medical, electronics, fluid transfer, construction, furniture, appliances, electrical lighting, and batteries. Polymar is dedicated to working with you to deliver quality-molded product on-time, in the most cost-effective way.

SERFILCO® is a global supplier of liquid handling equipment for chemical, surface finishing and other wet process applications. Headquartered in Northbrook Illinois since its inception in 1961, SERFILCO® has developed an enviable worldwide reputation for quality and innovation. SERFILCO® are specialists in the design, manufacture and distribution of corrosion resistant pumps, filters, filter media and agitation systems. The company continues to bring products to the marketplace that enable chemical processors to improve quality, save money, achieve operator compliance, and protect the environment.

Pumps molded and assembled

in the u.s.a.